Monday, March 18, 2013

lovely lavender

Did you know lavender soothes your stomach, mind and skin? And lavender plants in your room can help you get a better nights sleep. Plus its a beautiful plant!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

New garden!!

Today I finally got around to getting my new garden going! I forgot how much work starting a garden is! I am so excited about this one... It is a lot bigger than the one at my last house.
I did a lot more research on companion gardening this time around so hopefully my fruits and veggies taste extra delicious this year!

Here is a list of what I was able to plant today...
-tomatoes (two types)
-brussels sprouts
-habenero peppers
-jalapeno peppers

I saved lots of room for my herbs so hopefully this week I can add them.

view looking down from my back porch

a simple reminder

Caught this on my way out of East Side Succulents (the best place in Austin to feed your succulent obsession by the way). A simple phrase with so much meaning...